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  • 联 系 人:陈健
  • 联系电话:051****967253;629****5;
  • 联系地址:苏州工业园区苏虹中路200号综保区西区C号一楼西单元 [查看地图]

    ASC是工业和商业用供热、通风和空调系统产品的制造商,在市场处于领先地位。作为本行业的领军者,ASC秉承着优秀的设计和卓越的生产。现在ASC在中国运作恩维尔科(Envirco)和垂恩(Trion)两个品牌,并在中国苏州工业园区设有生产工厂。爱思克人的追求 环保节能,保护人类健康!
Air System Components Inc. is a market-leading supplier of heating, air conditioning and ventilation system components for Industrial and Commercial applications. As an industry leader, ASC is committed to design and manufacturing excellence. Now ASC is managing both Envirco and Trion product operation in China. Both products have been provided with manufacturing facilities in Suzhou Industrial Park, China. ASC Suzhou Mission: Environmental Protection and Energy-saving, for Human Health!